Sopwith Camel F1 Details Find the details of our Sopwith Camel F1 construction under the following headings! Engine and Engine SystemsEquipmentConstruction General Construction LeClerget engine historySopwith Camel ArmamentSopwith Camel Construction – Fuselage LeClerget – making it workSopwith Camel InstrumentsSopwith Camel Construction – Wings GnomeSopwith Camel PropellerSopwith Camel Engine Controls & Ancillaries Fuel SystemSopwith Camel SeatSopwith Camel Construction – Struts and Fairings Sopwith Camel Cowlings and Fuel and Oil TanksSopwith Camel Wheels and UndercarriageSopwith Camel Construction – Flying Controls Engine Controls & AncillariesPattern making for castingCovering and Painting